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Colleagues at Work

師徒計畫 Mentorship Program

針對大學畢業生面臨求職困難的局面,台灣青年美國職涯發展協會(Career Taiwan USA Association) 創辦的「師徒計畫」(Mentorship Program),幫助畢業生打贏求職團體戰,不讓學生孤單闖蕩。「師徒計畫」挑選曾在美國經歷求學、找工作,甚至轉換職涯跑道的前輩作為導師,為在美學子量身打造職涯發展課程。課程內容涵蓋生涯規劃、履歷診斷、Networking 技巧、企業參訪、找工作密技等專業知識課程。此外,每個月安排客座導師為學生加強整體職涯規劃。

CTUSA Mentorship Program


The CTUSA Mentorship program aims to cultivate the next generation of Taiwanese American leaders through mentoring, skills building, and networking.  We provide the foundation for an effective and valuable mentoring relationship, as well as guided group mentoring sessions designed to help participants achieve their highest professional and personal goals.


We match experienced Mentors with young professionals and college students, connecting them as partners during the year. Our Mentors represent a multitude of majors, organizations, and backgrounds. Mentors have the opportunity to connect Mentees to various resources, while serving as a personal support system, in an effort to promote educational & career success. 


Mentors meet with their Mentees at least once a month after our monthly workshop/event to personally support them by making referrals to resources and engagement opportunities. Meeting with a Mentor once a month is all that is required. All other activities are optional.

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